"Massacre in Grayhollow"

The wanted outlaw Ted the cold, has reached the town and a group of citizens has decided to arrest him to keep the peace in the town.

Ted and his men were drinking something in the saloon, when at some point, the leader decided to go to the latrine to relieve himself, so the villagers decided to take advantage and assault him.

The problem is that Ted is not a rookie, so before entering the canteen, he had sent little Jimmy with his rifle, to put himself behind a fence, to protect the back of the canteen.

With all this, the citizens approached by the side of the canteen, while two men of Ted, with a watchful eye, went to the back door of the canteen to control the movements.

When a couple of citizens tried to reach the back of the latrine, Jimmy fired and Bob, from the door of the canteen did the same. This caused a crossfire that ended the life of one of the citizens.

The leader of the group, turned the corner, and tried to shoot Jimmy without success, but received a bullet impact that left him dead.

Of five assailants, there were only two leaves ... this caused one of them to flee in terror at the massacre.

Emboldened, or rather desperate, the last citizen left the corner of emptying his boot against Timmy, and killing him ... but Bob did not quail and killed him ...

When the silence was made, the door of the latrine opened, and while Ted went out lighting his pipe and placing a brace .... a wolfish smile was drawn on his face, whistled and headed towards the canteen ....


  1. Great report, I like the ending.

    1. Thank you, Two Hour Wargames every time works properly.

  2. Nice report and now following your blog. I’ll add your blog to my follow list on my gaming blog too.

  3. Cool AAR also following your blog and also linking it on my blog.

  4. Thank you, a real pleasure!
