Boullon's battle Captains and Kings (THW) for Musket Period

After the success of the last battles with Warband or Captains and Kings, this time I have pushed my luck to check what could happen if you change swords and spears by muskets and sabres. And here is the Battle of Boullon.

Two random armies one French and other English, were ready for the battle.

The movement stat was the same from the original book Infantry 6 and Cavalry 12.
I have added that if they form in column, their movement were 8 and 16, respectively.
Units in column can’t fire, charge and if are shot or assaulted, they will fight with a lower AC.
The muskets have a range of 8 and carbines 6. Rifles if used 12.

And the image with the miniatures, in 6mm, each unit is formed by three stands.
Initial Deployment

British Side

French Side

Troops advancing

Cavalry clash

French cavalry supporting counter assaulting
Musketery stops British cavalry charge

British give as good as they got

Muskets show that they are demolishing, not killing but demoralizing
 Victory for the French troops.

 The system has shown that another time that works in another setting, and with no less than six units per side, with just one player, another success!

I could have used Musket and Mohawks from THW, but I like a lot the way in that Warband resolve the combats of "big" units, for example, is not necessary to reload weapons.

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