Chapter I: In a strange land

 Estas son las aventuras de Slorm, Landon y Viren, tres buscavidas que vienen de tierras lejanas y buscan hacer fortuna en las tierras de Uburia.

These are the adventures of Slorm, Landon and Viren, three adventurers who come from distant lands and seek to make their fortune in the lands of Uburia.


 Slorm es un fornido guerrero, Landon un avezado cazador y Viren, el mayor de todos, un galeno loco por los brebajes más extraños, hay quien diría que es un alquimista.

Slorm is a strong warrior, Landon a seasoned hunter and Viren, the oldest of them, a doctor crazy about the strangest concoctions, some would say that he is an alchemist.

Llevan varios días deambulando por la ciudad pesquera de Onnen, buscando algún trabajo con el que ganarse unas monedas de oro. Han conseguido una entrevista con un sacerdote en la taberna "La jarra de Aleck" y están ante sus puertas.

They have been wandering around the fishing town of Onnen for several days, looking for a job to earn a few gold coins. They have gotten an interview with a priest in the tavern "Alex's jug" and are at its doors.

La taberna está muy concurrida, hay tres posibles objetivos, así que los héroes en ciernes, deciden entablar conversación con algunos de ellos.

The tavern is very crowded, there are three possible objectives, so the heroes in the making, decide to start a conversation with some of them.

Slorm charla animadamente con un hombre, un viajero que le pide consejo de dónde encontrar aposento. Mientras tanto, Landon se acercó a la barrra, y allí un sacerdote de mirada huidiza le pide ayuda, un malparido le acusa de ser el responsable de la muerte de su mujer, necesita ayuda para llegar hasta el Templo de la Orden del Zafiro donde podrá refugiarse, le ofrece una cuantiosa cantidad a cambio de actuar de guardaespaldas. Landon avisa a Slorm y a Viren.

Slorm talks animatedly with a man, a traveler who asks him for advice on where to find a room. Meanwhile, Landon approached the bar, and there a priest with an elusive gaze asks him for help, a bastard accuses him of being responsible for the death of his wife, he needs help to get to the Temple of the Order of the Sapphire where he can taking refuge, he offers him a large sum in exchange for acting as a bodyguard. Landon alerts Slorm and Viren.

Decidieron que lo acompañarían a cambio de esas monedas y poder pasar la noche en el templo. El sacerdote pagó la cena a los guardaespaldas y juntos se pusieron en camino.

 They decided that they would accompany him in exchange for those coins and to be able to spend the night in the temple. The priest paid the bodyguards for dinner and together they set off.

Tras unos veinte minutos callejeando, con Landon guiando al grupo por las calles menos transitadas, alcanzaron a ver las puertas del templo, flanqueadas por dos guardias inmóviles. De entre las sombrs surgió un grupo de maleantes que llamaron al sacerdote por su nombre, pero este asustado se escondió tras las anchas espaldas de Slorm.

 After about twenty minutes wandering around, with Landon leading the group through the less traveled streets, they caught a glimpse of the temple gates, flanked by two immobile guards. A group of thugs emerged from the shadows who called the priest by name, but this frightened one hid behind Slorm's broad back.

 Landon disparó su arco y Viren su honda, sin éxito, los asaltantes se lanzaron contra los recién llegados y tras unos minutos de lucha, la sangre tiñó las calles. Slorm se apretaba la pierna donde había recibido una cuchillada, al igual que Landon. 

 Landon fired his bow and Viren his sling, without success, the assailants launched themselves against the newcomers and after a few minutes of fighting, blood stained the streets. Slorm was clutching his leg where he had been stabbed, as was Landon.

Lo mejor sería quedar en manos de la Orden del Zafiro para recuperarse.

The best thing would be to remain in the hands of the Order of the Sapphire to recover.


To create the map I followed the advice of this video:

I have changed the wound system for THW, the Stars have 3 wounds, the Rep 4 characters 2, and all the others jus 1. Slorm is a star,  so he has 3 wounds, and lost one during the combat. 

I have done this change since I would like to have really tough enemies, but that this aspect doesn't depends of a high Rep, for example, you can have a very hardy Troll but who is going to attack with Rep 4, so, I can give him 5 or 6 wounds but attacking you with very low skill.

When you roll on the damage table this are the results:

"6" push back 2"

"1" causes two wounds.

< success causes 1 wound.

> success causes knocked down and recover.

Out of Action result causes 1 wound.

Obviously Death result causes 2 wounds.


  1. Nice work. Tweaking the game to fit is perfect and what it is all about.

  2. Slorm, buen trabajo gracias me he entretenido mucho con ls historia y haber si sigues asi....

    1. Gracias, en ello estoy. THW mola demasiado como para no jugarlo.
