CITY BELOW - Chapter 2 "Confrontation"

Slorm walked down the alley where the bodyguards had been slain. Searching the ground he looked for anything that might be of any use, of any information. At the edge of a pile of wood and other debris he saw a small rotten piece of…?
Victarii picked it up and rubbed it between his fingertips.

 At the end of the street a group of shadows was moving, like looking out our heroes...

Slorm decided to advance to get closer to the creatures, when they started to hiss... Victarii, getting nervous, took out his bow and shot against the shadows, killing one of them, another jump out from the light sneaking out into the darkness...

Slorm charged against the creatures, they were ready to combat, the sword cut a pair of hands, and the warrior avoided the creatures jaws...

 After a pair of minutes, the body of the creatures laid down on the cold stones....

 Quickly, Victarii run close to Slorm, and helped him to gather the bodies, putting them into a sack, to show them to the Captain.

Notes for the game.
This scenario was played two times since the first one the enemies were just 2 and Slorm killed them without problems... In the second one, the ghouls had horrible initiative rolls, however, in combat they maintain the attitude for a pair rounds. That is the reason since I prefer to use Characters with Rep 4, since the combats are much more balanced.

Another interesting aspect is that you can play a skirmish in the official 3'x3' table or you can do like me, and play on a 10"x15" table, and enjoy it in the same way.

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